"NEW" Model 130ST Trainer

Basic and Advanced Electronics

Aviation Electrical, Electronics, and Avionics

Telecommunications Systems

Controls, Motors, Sensors, Instrumentation

Automotive, Trailer Wiring, Car Stereo

Nida has the complete package for your training needs!
Computer based curriculum that supports
theoretical and performance based content
Trainers & Test Equipment
Hardware that simulates real equipment and
prepares students to work on live systems
Experiment Card Sets
Individually packaged circuits that offer hands-on
investigation and fault finding in the classroom
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Things of Interest
Quester is a subscription based service for the customer who requires customized tests within the Nida courseware.
Nida offers a variety of training courses for the instructor at Nida Headquarters or the user's facility.
Nida Corporation sponsors and delivers the Electronics Technology competition annualy at SkillsUSA.
AMC Contest
Nida Corporation sponsors and delivers the Aviation Maintenance competition annually at AMC.
Nida Training Systems